After taking precautions and securing your home, you can hopefully avoid this situation. Some of us are not so lucky.

Call the police. Try not to touch anything until the police arrive. Take note of what has been taken. Lock up any pets until the police leave.

Talk to your neighbours. They may have seen something suspicious. Don’t just ask about unusual activity around the time of the break-in as thieves sometimes plan and assess weeks prior to taking action. Ask your neighbours to think back – was there any suspicious activity in the past few weeks that they can recall.

Contact your insurance provider. Compile a detailed list of what was stolen. Try to include the values and see if you can find any receipts as well.

Contact body corporate. If you live in a building ensure you contact body corporate or property management. They may be able to assist with surveillance. Also ensure that you ask what they are doing to secure the building and to prevent a break-in from recurring.